Over the years we’ve amassed quite a collection of aerial photography of Utah, and even some of Yellowstone, Alaska, California and the states surrounding Utah. These photographs are available to purchase with limited usage rights for any project you have. Our online library is searchable, and downloading is immediate after purchase any time of the day or night. We’re constantly updating the library with new and recent images so check back often.
Click here to visit our online stock aerial photography library

Stock Aerial Video
We are currently building our library of stabilized, 4k video that is available for any project you need. Our footage has been used in TV shows, international documentaries, online and TV advertising, etc. All the video is stabilized mechanically at the time of capture, no post stabilization is used. Forward-looking video is captured with our proprietary mount from our airplane, and we can pan up, down, and side to side. We also capture high quality 4k video from our fleet of drones for a low-level aerial look. If we don’t have what you need, we’re happy to work with you on assignment to capture to the footage your project requires. For now we have samples of our video on Youtube that you can browse through. Check back as we are constantly updating our libary.
Follow this link to view our sample stock videos: